Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
-Mary Oliver

29 October, 2011

Show me the way to go home

Some normally distant family (distant as in "lives far away") was here for a visit, meaning that all six of my grandparents great grandchildren were within a mile of each other so I hauled my booty out to Ortonville last Friday night. Left work at 6:30, got to the farm at 10 or so, and was greeted by a plethora of activity. One nephew, two nieces, three crazy barking dogs, and four relatively calm adults. We all went to bed not so very long after my arrival. "Up with the sun" is not usually a phrase that is applicable in my life, but in this instance, I'm glad it was. My mom only had to yell down the stairs twice to get me to acknowledge it.


And let me tell you, it was a good thing I was up so early. We had a busy day. Jam packed with hard work, and even with the wake up call of "bright and early" we still didn't fit it all in. There were kittens that needed to be played with,

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rocks to be collected,


and more kittens, except these ones needed cuddles...


We had a couple of important deep sea voyages to take care of,


after which we had to haul our loot ashore.


Oh, and don't forget about the kittens.


I had to leave the next day to fulfill some previous commitments, which I was happy to do,  because I arrived at my destination just in time for this view through the yellow glass windows.


We never made it to the pumpkin carving...


or whatever we were supposed to be doing with these tomatoes serving as a doll bed...


And lunch was late.

But we accomplished other things.



Mom said...

Fantastic photos. Lovely prose. You made my day. XO

Alison Maraillet said...

Lovely. The joys of family, the country and the city.

Denis Maraillet said...

Great photography. I scrolled down several times.Keep on